Fountain Quotes

Text Quotes
In the center of your being there is a fountain of music and that is your love (Fountain Quotes)
For love is of God. He is the fountain, author, parent, and commander of love; it is the sum of his law and gospel: (Fountain Quotes)
Yoga is the fountain of youth. You’re only as young as your spine is flexible. (Fountain Quotes)
Exercise is roughly the only equivalent of a fountain of youth that exists today, and its free to everyone. (Fountain Quotes)
An unbridled imagination is the fountain of youth; it’s what keeps us young at heart (Fountain Quotes)
In capital we trust. Capital is our savior, our holy grail, our fountain of youth, or at least health, for banks. (Fountain Quotes)
Ponce de Leon, who said when he discovered the Fountain of Youth, Where the hell are the paper cups? Never got a dinner! (Fountain Quotes)
I’ve always written by hand. Mostly with a fountain pen, but sometimes with a pencil - especially for corrections. (Fountain Quotes)
I don’t want anything to do with anything mechanical between me and the paper, including a typewriter, and I don’t even want a fountain pen between me and the paper. (Fountain Quotes)
There’s something special about writing by hand, writing with a fountain pen, and there’s something special about writing into a book, to take a blank book and turn it into an actual book. (Fountain Quotes)
There was one ‘crime’ during the whole time I was at school, when a fountain pen went missing. Stealing just didn’t happen. I was taught not to shoplift, not to steal, not to behave badly. We weren’t even allowed to drop litter. (Fountain Quotes)
I used to write exclusively with one particular Montblanc fountain pen, although lately I have had to use a roller-tip fountain pen, because I find it harder and harder to control the fine muscles of my right hand during prolonged periods of work. I buy boxes of Deluxe Uni-ball pens, use them until they start to drag, and then change. (Fountain Quotes)
I write with a fountain pen. And then revise word by word and line by line so that the first draft of a scene is usually the tenth or so draft. (Fountain Quotes)
I am a highly disciplined person. I get up at seven every morning and, still in my pajamas, sit down at my desk where my checkered ring binders and my fountain pen are ready for use. I try to write two pages every day. (Fountain Quotes)
I get used to my fountain pens and my clothes, and I can never throw them away. I replace them only when I see that they are broken or embarrassing to wear. (Fountain Quotes)
But the law of God came from heaven indeed. God wrote it with his finger, it is the fountain of all wisdom, and therefore shall it continue for ever, and never have an end. (Fountain Quotes)
Because he is; that is, because he is an infinitely glorious, good, wise, holy, powerful, righteous, self-subsisting , self-sufficient , and all-sufficient being; the fountain and author of all being and good; the first cause, last end, and sovereign Lord of all; therefore, he is to be worshipped: therefore, are we to admire, adore, and love him; to praise, to trust and to fear him. (Fountain Quotes)
The glories and the beauties of form, color, and sound unite in the Grand Canyon - forms unrivaled even by the mountains, colors that vie with sunsets, and sounds that span the diapason from tempest to tinkling raindrop, from cataract to bubbling fountain. (Fountain Quotes)
Every sunny morning is a great fountain; we quaff ‘sweet hope’ from it (Fountain Quotes)